BRADIO Official Website



~Break the Rule And Do Image On~
日常の世界(Rule)に、素敵な時間・空間のイメージを加え(Do Image On)、良き変化(Break)を。

2013年10月に1st mini album”DIAMOND POPS”で全国リリース。
2015年1月期アニメ「デス・パレード」オープニングテーマ、10月期アニメ「Peeping Life TVシーズン1 ??」オープニングテーマ、さらに”京都きもの友禅” 全国CMのイメージソングのタイアップの数々を担当。2015年夏には国内邦楽最大級フェスティバル”ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2015”に初出場にしてステージのトリを努め、”COUNTDOWN JAPAN 15/16”では2016年、年明けのステージで会場を大いに沸かす。
楽曲ごとに異なるサウンドを鳴らすドラムンベースを軸に、さらに熱唱&ファルセットを使い分ける個性の強さが魅力のヴォーカリスト真行寺の歌声で見に来たFUNKY PARTY PEOPLEを虜にするエンターテイナー集団BRADIO。

BRADIO is a 4 piece band from Japan that was formed in 2010. The name is an acronym that stands for “Break the Rule And Do Image On,” a concept that stands for breaking the rules of everyday society while painting the world with vibrant entertainment in order to make a fresh, good place. The band fuses a number of genres such as pop, rock, and funk to create an enthralling atmosphere for the audience to enjoy.
BRADIO has performed at a number of music festivals across Japan including KAZOKU FES, ROCK IN JAPAN, and COUNTDOWN JAPAN. They also have been headling their own sold out shows as they quickly gain popularity.
In 2015 the song “Flyers” was used as the opening theme for the anime Death Parade and BRADIO’s third single “HOTEL ALIEN,” can be heard as the opening theme song for the Peeping Life anime series. They have also recently released “Bring It On!,” the theme song for the SQUARE ENIX game app RUNGUN-CANNONBALL.

真行寺 貴秋

Takaaki Shingyoji    (twitter : )

lead vocals/
birth:24th November/type:A



大山 聡一

Soichi Ohyama    (twitter : )
guitars, vocals/
birth:27th July/type:O



酒井 亮輔

Ryosuke Sakai    (twitter : )
bass, vocals/
birth:7th July/type:A



田邊 有希

Yuki Tanabe    (twitter : )
drums, vocals/
birth:5th April/type:B



and ALL THE Funky Party People !!